The best gravel adventure in Spain

#TirrenoApostol was created to promote gravel cycling and bikepacking in Galicia, a unique community with a wealth of landscapes and variety of terrain.

The adventure will bring a maximum of 200 cyclists from all over the world to discover how far they are capable of going physically and mentally.



Tirreno Apostol event takes place on roads open to traffic, so you must know and comply with the traffic regulations at all times, always following the track that we will provide you.

Helmets and front and rear lights are compulsory and the use of headphones is forbidden. At night it is compulsory to wear a waistcoat and/or reflective clothing. The race can be done on a gravel or mountain bike. 


Just you and Tirreno Apostol Adventure.

There are three categories, Individual, Couples and Teams relays (3 people, change of relay in the towns of Monforte and Allariz). Riding in groups or with other riders is allowed, Tirreno Apostol is an event where the company and getting to know Galicia is part of the charm that we want to transmit.

External assistance by another vehicle is forbidden.

Food, drink and equipment must be transported by yourself without external help, if you go in couples you can share resources with your partner. Although the event takes place in the middle of summer, the organisation also recommends that you always carry: bivy bag, warm clothes, etc.



You must follow and complete the official track that we will provide you with days before the event. If for any reason you have to deviate, you will have to return to the official route as soon as possible.  If in case of emergency, or in search of accommodation or food, you have to deviate from the official route and track, you will have to return to the same point where you left off.

The organisation will provide you with a series of official mechanical and refreshment points where we will have a professional team to support you in whatever you need. Surprises will also take place in the Tirreno Apóstol, so remember that in the worst moments we will be there to bring a smile to your face.

The organisation will provide you with a satellite tracking system that you will have to carry with you at all times. Keeping it switched off for long periods of time may lead to penalties.



The Tirreno Apostol will have approx. 500km and a time limit of 60 hours to finish the event. The start will be on Friday 25 July at 10:00 am from the emblematic Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, on the day of the commemoration of the Apostle’s Day. The maximum arrival time will be 22:00 on Sunday 27 July at the OCA Puerta del Camino Hotel de Santiago de Compostela.

 If you do not finish the route in the established time, the control system will be removed and you will be able to follow the established track.

 If one of the pairs drops out, the other will be able to continue to the finish line and will receive the FINISHER gift.



Individual and couples

·First 50 places or until 31st March: 129 euros.

·1st April to 30th June: 139 euros.

·1st July to 20th July: 149 euros.


·Until 31 March: 99 euros per member.

·From April 1st to June 30th: 109 euros per member.

·From 1 July to 20 July: 119 euros per member.



 The organisers will take out accident insurance for participants, but please note that you are responsible for complying with the rules of the road.

 To take part in the event you must be at least 18 years old at the time of departure.


It will be possible to cancel the registration up to one month before the race (25/06/25) by sending an e-mail to The amount to be refunded will be 70% of the registration fee.


All the team that make up Tirreno Apóstol will try to make this adventure 100% to your liking, we only ask you to be respectful with the route, not to litter and above all, to follow the rules that the organization has established. In case of non-compliance, the organization can establish sanctions or penalty times.

Tirreno Apostol wants to be as respectful as possible with the environment.